Client Aim is to provide a pathway curve with bouxus plants shrubs and some gravels. A minimalist approach to landscape.
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Front Yard Landscaping Tips :
Use ornamental Grasses for Low-Maintenance Beautification
Ornamental grasses provide a very natural and breezy feel to your front yard landscape. The variety of grasses you should choose will depend on the environmental factors where you live, and you’ll need to select the right ones if you want them to thrive. Otherwise, they are fairly drought-tolerant, easy to maintain and unlikely to become infested with insects, so they make a great choice for those who want a little flair without a lot of fuss.
Select Plants that Provide Year-Round Color
Nothing is cheerier than a colorful front yard landscape, but many flowers and trees bloom only in the spring and summer months. Fortunately, you can avoid having a drab-looking landscape the rest of the time by planting varieties that are at least somewhat colorful all year long. A few of the many options include verbena, magnolia, hydrangea and begonia.
Charm the Olfactory Senses with Fragrant Plants
When it comes to your front yard landscaping, looks aren’t everything. Consider lining your front walkway with aromatic flowers and plants. Lavender, jasmine or rosemary are all great options that will have your friends, neighbors and even the delivery driver captivated by their inviting fragrances.
Plant a Garden in Front Yard Raised Beds
Who says a garden has to be located in the backyard? Well-crafted raised beds can blend quite nicely into your front yard landscape, especially if that sunny spot next to your driveway provides the perfect place for your tomatoes, snap peas and strawberries to thrive.
Incorporate Containers into Your Landscape Design
Containers are often an afterthought, but they don’t have to be. You may think to place potted plants and flowers on your front patio or doorstep, but you can also use them in other areas, too. Consider placing containers in your lower beds or along walkways as a way to create unique and beautiful borders.
Illuminate your Front Yard With Strategically-Placed Lighting
Whether it is a string of fairy lights on your patio, path lights along your stone walkway or recessed ground lights sprinkled throughout the front of the yard, lighting can add a lot of pizazz to your landscape design. Front yard landscape lighting is functional, too—no more fumbling around for your phone’s flashlight app when you come home after dark.
Allow Wisteria, Roses or Clematis to Climb Your Fence, Trellis or Pergola
Ivy is often thought of as the climbing plant, but it isn’t your only option. Whether your goal is to cover something unsightly (like a fence that has seen better days) or you simply enjoy the look of your yard’s various accoutrements adorned in vines, climbing flowers like wisteria, roses and clematis offer a nice alternative to (basic, green) ivy. You’ll especially love the color these climbing flowers provide during their blooming season.
Add Stucco to Your Retaining Wall
Adding stucco to an existing or new retaining wall is, first and foremost, aesthetically appealing (credit for this goes to the smooth, clean lines and the fact that it is available in tones that compliment your landscape). However, it also makes your wall more durable, thanks to the fact that stucco is water- and mold-resistant.
Skip the Lush Green Lawn
Green lawns are nice, but they often take a lot of time, money and water to maintain. While we’re not suggesting that you let your lawn dry out, if you’re over the idea of spending your weekends mowing, consider using a rock-based ground cover, like gravel or crushed stones, instead of grass.
Rocks create a lovely backdrop for other landscaping features (like plants, trees and lighting), and they are also eco-friendly since they require nothing in the way of water.
Plant to Keep the Deer Away
A doe wandering through your front yard might be a lovely sight to see—the first time. Eventually, though, her presence won’t be so welcome. Why? Because deer like to snack on plants, and they aren’t all that picky.
Before you know it, the flowers, trees, shrubs and veggies that you so carefully cultivated are going to be destroyed. Fend the herd off by planting deer-resistant plants like heather, daffodil, peonies, yarrow, foxglove and juniper (to name a few).
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